Too many chiropractors pass their exams without any understanding of how to build a brand and do marketing.

Our workshop gives you the essentials for establishing your new practice as a trusted authority.

Let's Prepare You To Launch A Practice

With the right guide, you can catapult your new business ahead of those who've been doing it for decades.

What Can You Expect To Learn From This Course?

Here are the four steps to effectively establish a new brand:
Define And Target Your Ideal Patient

Define And Target Your Ideal Patient

You can't help everyone. But there are some people that will be changed forever. Let's find them first.
Craft A Clear Message That Captures Attention

Craft A Clear Message That Captures Attention

Learn how to connect with the head and heart of your ideal patient so they get excited about working with you.
Design A Brand That Stands Out In Your Community

Design A Brand That Stands Out In Your Community

This is where you decide on your name, your colors, your logo, and all the other stuff that you think about when launching a business.
Create Marketing Material That Actually Works

Create Marketing Material That Actually Works

You'll learn how to put together a website, lead generator and an email campaign to launch your practice.

Event Details

Here's what you need to know:

  • Date: May 26, 2022
  • Time: 4:00 PM Pacific Time / 7:00 PM Eastern
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Location: Zoom (we'll send the link when you've signed up.
  • Cost: Free for FTCA Members and their friends.
Sign Up

Who Is This Course For?

It could be that it was made just for you.

Chiropractors who are starting to launch a new practice.


Students who want to learn how to build a business.


Clinic owners who are rebranding their practice.


Anyone in allied healthcare that wants to learn about how to market a new practice.

Meet Your Instructor

Jon Morrison understands how scary it feels when you pass your exams and yet still have no idea how to start a business.

Having worked with chiropractors for over five years, Jon is committed to helping young doctors get the start they need to enjoy the success they deserve.

If you're about to start a practice, Jon is passionate about giving you the tools you need to give your practice the best possible launch. If you want to kickstart your new practice, your time is precious and you can't afford to make any mistakes.

"Jon has helped my chiropractic practice and many others get clear on their messaging.

In addition, I teach chiropractors about marketing and he has been a vital aspect of help my chiropractors get laser focused on their marketing message."

- Dr. Kevin Christie, Host of Modern Chiropractic Marketing Podcast

This Is A "Friends and Family" Event For Members Of The FTCA

As part of the FTCA, you're invited to be a part of this event. If you have a friend who is not a member but could really benefit from this material, you can invite them too.

Sign Up

You Don't Have To Figure This Stuff Out By Yourself

Sign up today and get the training and support you need to get it done right.