Why not add some movement in your website with one of our header videos?
Paste these links into the header section of any page or as a background to your blocks.
Scroll through some of these options to see what you can do. We have more instructions for you at the bottom of the page.
Active Living Header
Use this link: https://vimeo.com/435177670
Running And Active Living Option Two
Use this link: https://vimeo.com/451262321
The Active Family Header
Paste this link: https://vimeo.com/703801952
The Sports-Themed Header
Use this link: https://vimeo.com/651725762

Visitors to your site want to see images and ideas of them performing at their best.
One of the jobs of your website is to cast vision for what life will be like when you've delivered a successful outcome to them.
A head in the video is a great way to create a first impression about the kind of success they will be experiencing.
If you'd like an idea to spice up your website and only having to put in about 30 seconds of work, this is the blog for you.
Here's a bunch of videos that many of our clients use to add some motion to the top of their website.
Here's an article from our Knowledge Base about how to add it to your website. Click here.
Browse the videos and choose the one that you think would work best for you.