Does The Internet Need Another Course?
Yes, the Internet does need another course. There’s a growing market and hunger for it. And I know you can do. People need to hear what you have to offer.
People love to grow.
Seasons change. Politicians change. The economy changes. One thing that never changes: The human heart's desire to win their story. In light of everything that has gone on this year, your ideal patient still has a driving desire to become a better version of themself.
What's holding them back are the nagging problems they face. It could be a pain in their back, problems with their hips or an issue between their ears. Whatever it is, it's keeping them from winning their story. They are not yet who they envision themselves to be.
How Courses Help People Win
The Internet has completely disrupted the education space. More than ever, people are hungry to learn. Learning used to happen only from conventional places like universities or schools. Education is a billion-dollar industry now. Technology has democratized how we do education. Today you can access any expert in the world from whom you want to learn. You don't have to be in the same room anymore. You can learn from them wherever you are.
It's a great day to be an educator.
Online learning has been around for a while now, and it's only going to get bigger from here.
Your patients and other people just like them need some expertise. It's an expertise that you have. There are things you know that others would benefit from learning.
With an online course, whether free or paid, you have the opportunity to help them do it. Here are some of the benefits of creating a course for your patients and prospective patients.
What does a course do?:
When someone signs up for one of your courses, they are enrolling to help themselves. The trade-off is that what's good for them is also good for you.
Here are some of the benefits of offering a course on your website:
1. Lead generation
Whenever someone enrolls, they have to provide their email address. With that precious data, you have algorithm-free access to their inbox. With the proper checks in place, you have permission to talk to them. People are never more eager to hear from you than in those first few weeks of signing up for something you offered them.
You can use that email address to nurture them into booking an in-person appointment with you.
2. Courses make the world a little better.
Booking appointments is excellent, but it's not everything. Think back to that bright-eyed, value-driven student that you were back in the day. You were altruistic and excited to make a difference in people's lives. Sure, you knew it was a good living to make, but that wasn't the only reason you got into healthcare.
You wanted to help people.
You wanted to make a difference in some lives and leave the world in just a little less pain because you showed up.
A course offers you the chance to deliver something of value, even for people you'll never meet. You'll give them a stretch, an idea, an exercise or point them to a resource that could unlock new levels of joy and happiness in their lives.
You may never meet them. That's ok. You still helped these fine people with a course that improve their lives a little - and that's worth something.
3. Courses build trust.
If your course is effective, it will take someone out of a problem and into a better reality. When you do that, you earn some trust. Trust is the foundation in a healthy relationship, especially in a healthcare setting.
When you have trust, you have a lifelong patient. When someone sees that you are competent at solving a problem (back pain with golfers), they will be more prone to trust you to solve other problems (neck pain from an auto accident).
4. Courses clarify your thinking
How do you take someone from suffering from hip pain to feeling mobile and pain-free? What are the steps? It's probably in your head right now but have you ever had to map it out? What if you wanted to teach your secret to an associate or a mentee?
There's something about mapping out your process that sharpens your thinking, clarifying how you deliver your outcomes. Teaching a course forces you to sit there and map out each step as you take someone from A to B.
5. Courses save you time
Most chiropractors love their patients. However, they still get a little bored saying the same monologue all day long. It's the same instructions, exercises, warnings, analogies and answers to the frequently asked questions. Imagine if, instead of wearing out your voice and your compassion, you had a course you could point patients to so that they could learn from you at home.
6. Open a source of passive income.
Who wouldn't love another revenue stream these days? Rather than tell a client they have to drive into town, park, pay, and listen to you teach them something, now they can do it from home, without driving, and for cheaper of a price. You can teach your "A" material to your patients in a course without having to expend the same energy over and over. Teach it once, reap the rewards for years.
Your course doesn't have to be a big-ticket item. You only have to charge $50, less than the price of a visit. Sell that over and over would get you a nice uptick in your revenue.
7. Courses develop your own Intellectual Property
Finally, one of the benefits of developing and publishing your course is that you now have your IP (Intellectual Property). These are your thoughts, tricks and treatments that are yours for life. Yes, this material is a smorgasbord of all you've learned and adapted over the years - but you're the one that's curated it. It is now uniquely your product to offer the world.
Those are seven powerful reasons why you should be offering an online course. Human beings love to grow by improving their knowledge and health. Kudos to the people who help them achieve both through an online course. When you are the one who publishes the course, you'll reap many benefits. With an online course, you will generate new leads, clarify your thinking, become an authority, develop your material, and make people's lives better.
We Will Help You Create Your Own Course
The Get Clear team is now offering a curriculum (course) to lead you step by step through the actual creation of the course you will offer on your website. I believe our website builder (at only $40/mo) is set up nicely to help you get a start at it. You can compare other software programs with courses at $115/mo.
You can learn more by clicking here.
In the meantime, here's an outline of what we will teach:
Here's a quick overview of the Get Clear Course Creator Program
- Start With Who. Identify who the course is for. The more specific you are, the more success you'll have.
- Identify the problem they are struggling with. You're going to solve this problem and use it in your marketing.
- Identify the outcome you deliver. People will give up their time and money for the result - not because they want to be nice to you.
- Map out everything that needs to happen to get there. Outline it 6-8 steps. These become the modules in your course.
- You now have 6-8 milestones. Each step is an achievement in their transformation. Celebrate the win and encourage them to take the next step.
- Give actionable application projects that they can do at the end of each step. They will evaluate your course on what they accomplished by the end of the program. Make sure you’ve got some solid take-aways. These will also give them concrete guideposts to mark their progress.
- Take a session to review what they've learned. It’s a form of nostalgia and reminder.
- The Get Clear course will include some Advanced tips for making a better course. This includes: How to include worksheets, video tips, set up recommendations, using an iPad and Apple Pencil for flare, how to upsell with live group coaching, etc.